Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Walking Down Nostalgia St Part 3
This is the final part...
Now, how of those cartoons did you actually recognize from your childhood?
Posted by
Jimmy & Shona
2:57 PM
Labels: 80's cartoons
Walking Down Nostalgia St Part 2
Here's part 2
Posted by
Jimmy & Shona
2:55 PM
Labels: 80's cartoons
Walking Down Nostalgia St Part 1
how many of us remember the cartoons we grew up with? how i miss them...
well, i happened to find something on youtube so we can relive those memories again. Enjoy.
Posted by
Jimmy & Shona
2:51 PM
Labels: 80's cartoons
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Indescribable - Chris Tomlin
This is our indescribable God...
Posted by
Jimmy & Shona
4:38 PM
Birthday gifts
I'm blogging again…twice in a single day. I think I'm back online coz I've sorta finished the semester at Harvestwest. The last 2 months have been academic hell for me. Funny huh, experiencing 'hell' in a Bible College. I had assignments due every week, one or sometimes 2 in a week. On top of that I had full-time work in the day. Result is no life whatsoever.
Regardless, I'm back with a vengeance. So to the topic at hand. How do you tell if a gift you've given to someone is not something they wanted or expected? I was chatting to my youth pastor the other day at dinner and he was quite perceptive. He said you can tell by the split second reaction they get after they've opened the present. Imagine with me for a second that I've given someone named John something he didn't want.
Jimmy: Happy birthday John! Here I got you a little something.
John: Oh thanks Jimmy! Can I open it?
Jimmy: sure, go for it.
John (opens present): Oh..a picture frame! Haha! Thanks!
Now, it's probably a little hard to imagine it when written as words on a screen. But the key is when the person actually says out loud what you got him/her. Just having the person say that, you can tell that it wasn't what he expected or wanted. If you watch a person's face, you can also see the tiny moment when their guard is down. There is a split second after they've opened the present when they think, "What the heck! This guy got me a picture frame!" The thought then vanishes as quickly as it came and they regain their composure, thus they try to be as civil as possible without losing it completely.
Posted by
Jimmy & Shona
3:59 PM
Blessings From Up Above
Hi everyone!
It certainly has been a while since we've posted on our blogs. Sorry we've been out of contact for so long, especially to all our overseas friends! Well, I (Jimmy) have got awesome news that I wanna share with you guys, just coz we love you so much we wanna continue sharing our lives with you, haha!
Just recently, I managed to get a new job! Woohoo! This new job pays so much better than the last one, AND I get a company car with petrol all paid for, my own phone and PDA! How sweet is that!? This is really a blessing that God has just given us, coz we're looking to get a house soon and with this new job it'll be so much easier.
Now, the perks of the job is not as fantastic how I actually got the job. I don't know if I actually shared about how I got my first job on our blogs before, so I'll start from the beginning. As most of you know, my first full time job is with Rocky Bay as a disabilities support worker, the job which I am working at now. Before that, I was just working casual jobs to pay the bills. It had been about 6 months since we got married, and I had not found a “proper” job yet. It’s not that I wasn’t trying, but I just couldn’t seen to secure the jobs I applied for. Then, one Sunday our senior pastor preached on giving God our tithes. I was fully convicted by that message and decided that day to commit 10% of my income to God, regardless of whether we were able to save any left over. This was a step of faith for me, as we had barely enough income to survive each month. At about the same time, I made a job application to Rocky Bay. I was praying so hard that God would come through for us, coz times were really tough. The craziest thing was, 2 days after I prayed to God to commit 10% of my income to Him, the call came through that I got the job! Praise God! Obviously, God was trying to tell me something here. That if I honour Him with my tithes, He would definitely make sure we had enough to live. This was a huge lesson to me about giving to God what is due to Him. Before this, I had never tithed properly. It was always a “see what’s in my wallet and I’ll give whatever’s there” kinda thing. This was the first time that I was making a deliberate choice to give God a monthly tithe. I also learned that God wants us to get serious with giving. We cannot have a casual attitude about tithing, we must be very deliberate. If we are laid-back about giving to God then He will be laid-back about blessing us. But if we make giving a deliberate and purposeful action, then God will be deliberate and purposeful in blessing us.
So, I accepted the job and I have been working in it for about 5 months now. It was a good job for someone just starting out, but of course the pay wasn’t very high. It was just good enough so that we could pay the bills and still have some savings left over. On an annual basis I would have earned about 28,000 if I stayed. Then about a month ago, I started praying to God about finding a better paying job somewhere else, because we wanted to start looking for a house we can call our own. I felt God convict me again about giving: that He wanted me to give Him more. I struggled with it for quite a while. All this time, I had been giving God just my base 10% every month, nothing more. We just could not afford to give any more. Anyway, I finally gave in and asked God how much more He wanted from us. I heard 2%. So, now God wanted 12% of our monthly income to go to Him. I thought to myself, 2% isn’t all that much more. I think we can do that. So, I committed to give an extra 2% every month to God. At about the same time, I heard from one of my church friends that a job had opened up at this new place, Edge Employment. I made my application as I had done dozens of times before and sent it in. I prayed to God He would give me the job. A few days later, (surprise, surprise!) I got a call from Edge, asking me to go in for an interview. Of course, I was thrilled. I thought this is it, I’m gonna get it! Little did I know, it was only the first of two interviews. I also found out there were 16 applicants for 2 positions. My odds were not looking very good…probably about 12%. 12% chance, 12% tithe, coincidence? I don’t think so! Anyway, a few days later I got called in for a second interview! Yes! Once step closer! Once there however, the interview did not go as smoothly as I had hoped. There were things I said that upon retrospect, I wish I had said something else. I left feeling a little deflated. Days passed and still no news of the job. My hope was fading fast. By this time, I had stopped believing I would get the job. I just surrendered to God’s will, hoping that whatever happens I could trust that God has the best intentions for me. By this time, I had committed my first 12% to God, and even if I did not get the job, my promise was 12% and I would stick to that.
Anyway, yesterday (Tuesday) came round and still no news. I went about doing what I always do, yet with the job nagging at the back of my mind. Everytime it came back, I just surrendered it back to God, just trying not to think or worry about it. Then all of a sudden, a call came on my mobile phone at about 2:30pm. It was Edge Employment! They called and offered me the job! I was simply ecstatic. I fully wanted to jump around and sing and dance! I could not believe it! God has come through for us yet AGAIN! Until now, sitting here typing this out, I still cannot believe I got the job. Truly, God is the one who provides for us, there is no doubt about that. Once again, God is teaching me about giving Him what is due to Him, and He will bless us through that. This job pays so much better than the last one. My starting salary is 35,000, with potential to earn up to 55,000, and it comes with car, phone and PDA. On top of that, I can salary sacrifice (meaning lower my taxes) up to 30% of my pay. I really could not ask for better than that! I did my calculations (I like to see the details), and for my extra 2% in offerings to God, I got back an extra 25% increase in income! 2% investment, 25% returns! Now, all you investment/financial types out there KNOW that THAT is a good investment, no doubt about it!
So, I start 2nd July. I am so looking forward to it. It’s going to be so awesome! Our God is SUCH a good God! I just want to encourage you guys, friends or otherwise (if you just stumbled onto our blog), God will NEVER short-change us! He is the great God, Creator and King of the Universe, and He has limitless resources at His disposal. We just need to ask of Him and He will bless! Honour God with what is due to Him and we will never have to worry! God will provide for all our needs.
Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. AMEN!
And if you’re not a believer in Jesus Christ but would like to know more, send us an email or comment with whatever questions you might have, and we will try to answer them as best as we can!
Until next time, seeya on the web!
Posted by
Jimmy & Shona
11:20 AM
Labels: blessing, Christianity, God, job, offering, promise, testimony, tithing